Visual Identity
NORSUS – Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research
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As the it changed its name, Norsus needed a new visual identity. Aiming for a contemporary and powerful expression, which captures the idea of a uniting centre where the idea of life cycle should be included.
A development of the symbol of the organization would ensure a continuity from the former name, Østfoldforskning, and at the same time help perception of a renewed and modernized Norsus.
As a platform for our development of the new identity, we used their core values; Solid, smart, futuredriven and circular.
Norsus shall be percieved to have big knowledge, outward-thinking and in the driving seat amongst their partners and competitors, but still feel close to their projects. A professional and modern player in the game.
Their work in life cycle analysis and sustainability is at the very centre of this, and it is incorporated in the logo symbol, choice of color, and the visual identity in general.
The delivered product is an identity where logo, colors, typography, symbols and style of illustrations all together makes Norsus visible and easily identifiable.